Cleaning Your Car After Head Lice
Is Everything Infested?

The good news is you don’t need to buy new everything! Head lice can live for a short period of time without a host but it generally is not more than 24-48 hours. Most household surfaces and items can be cleaned, including your vehicle. While it is important to take steps to clean after an infestation, no drastic measures need to be taken. For the most part a simple deep clean will do the trick! You can find our suggestions for cleaning your home and personal belongings here!
How to Clean Your Car

What to Do if You Get Lice

If you have any head lice related questions or need lice removal treatment don’t hesitate to contact us! At California’s Lice Clinic we are here to help! Our heated removal process guarantees to remove head lice in 1 quick and safe treatment! To learn more or to schedule an appointment visit us here, email INFO@
LCASACRAMENTO.COM, or call 916-380-3153 .